
Paint your face with beauty

As a photographer I am fascinated by faces. Today I spent time thinking about the word “beauty” and came across many quotes on inner beauty, videos on what beauty is, tips how to wear hair and make up. There is a “multi million dollar industry” in the name of the word beauty. Everyone has an opinion.

Its taken me years of photographing faces, to see that every one of them has beauty because they are all different.

As a woman I don’t always feel the same. I am the child, the free spirit, the teacher, the mother, the artist, the career woman, the lover. With so much inspiration online, often it can create pressure to be that perfect one thing. It goes into both extremes, a natural earth-mother or the flawless goddess. Why use it to become someone else permanently and feel a failure under that pressure of what beauty is.

” You don’t need anyones permission. Be brave, you’ve got this. This is not the end, you’ve just started. Don’t worry….this doesn’t have to make sense and it’s just for you….so pour out your most far fetched, whacked out and wild ideas! ” – Kate Neckel

On our recent trip to Scotland I found Kate Neckels book in a small bookstore and got inspired to start a diary with a collection of flowers and plants from our trips for our little girl. Never stop playing.

Here are some of our local make up artists and inspirational woman I have worked with:

Algria Ferreira

Sebastine Pepler

Cheryl Parker

Bianca Harkopf

Fiona Gentry

Jacqui Lupton

Merle Titus

Carmen Thorne

Colleen Paioni


Video: Kate Paints on Honduras / Vimeo

Article: Kristina Stojiljkovic

Quote: From a book called “Start Now” / Kate Neckel

Links: Gloss Artist Management / Supernova Creative Management / Algria Ferreira / Sebastine Pepler / Cheryl Parker / Carmen Thorne / Colleen Paioni

Photography: Kristina Stojiljkovic

Magazines: photos published by Marie Claire / Rooi Rose