
Rock ‘n Roll in Cape Town

“Rock and Roll keeps you in a constant state of juvenile delinquency” – Eddie Spaghetti, Aces “n Spades

In one of my favourite movies, “The Party”, I love the dancing scene and the line “birdy num num” is a classic. This is the kind of awesome madness that life is on sets and in Cape Town CBD, everything is possible. Meet radical people, have a dance and a laugh.

The Fayrouz set is in Cape Town CBD, streets are cordoned off , the shoot starts at 3am at the Cape Town club “Aces ‘ n Spades” and ends in the “Shimmy Beach” at sunset. Aces club is a legend, rock n roll and surfing movies. Cape Town is a city buzzing with life, in summer months people from all over the world mingle in clubs and bars all the way from bottom of Long str right up to the top of Kloof str. Rub shoulders with directors, local models, international actors and quite types writing words for their next gig.  There are live bands, great DJs, parties, music coming out of every door. I’m looking forward to the summer vibes on Cape Town streets.

“Put on your red shoes and dance the blues, let’s dance to the song they’re playing on the radio, let’s sway under the moon light, the serious moon light.” – David Bowie

check out night life in the city at The Firm

boogy at Aces ‘n Spades

sundowners and bands at Shimmy Beach


Video: The Party / You Tube

Article: Kristina Stojiljkovic

Quote: Let’s Dance / David Bowie

Links: The Firm / Aces ‘n Spades / Shimmy Beach

Photography: Kristina Stojiljkovic

Client: Fayrouz